Small loan Switzerland

Small loans are loans that are suitable for smaller purchases, such as a flat screen TV. These are usually paid off within a short period of time. Constant monthly loan installments make it possible to plan financially without having to do without.

If you are interested in a small loan, for example, as a financial supplement for a larger purchase, Speedy Credit has various fair and favorable loans that can be individually tailored to your needs.

With our loan calculator, you can individually calculate your monthly installment based on the desired loan amount and term. Contact our competent customer advisors free of charge if you have any further questions about the small loan offers and other credit topics.

Take out a small loan

If you want to take out a small loan in Switzerland, you must have a permanent residence in Switzerland or be a cross-border commuter, have a regular income as an important requirement and be of age. A small loan is a personal loan, which is why this type of loan is aimed exclusively at private individuals.

If you would like to learn more about the various small loan solutions offered by Speedy Credit, you can call us free of charge on our hotline.

Small loan

You want to take out a small loan in Switzerland? Calculate your conditions online and apply for your small loan at fair conditions.

    Calculate your desired loan

    Calculate your desired loan

    5000 CHF