We can only determine your exact interest rate and therefore the interest costs based on the detailed information you provide in your loan application. 1 Personal Information SalutationMr.Ms/Mrs First name* Last name* Date of birth* Street address* Post code* City* Email* Contact Phone* Nationality*SwissC permitB permit Extra Information for B Permit Employment*Permanently employedTemporary employedSelf-employedPensioner(e.g. IV, SUVA etc)Uneployed Civil status*SingleMarriedDivorcedseparatedConcubinage, living with partner Monthly income included (part-time job, pensions, etc.)* Employment Duration* Please Choose More than 1 year More than 2 years Employment Duration* Please Choose More than 2 years Less than 2 years Monthly income spouse included (part-time job, pensions, etc.)* Loss certificates or seizures* YesNo Open credits* YesNo At which bank Send application Long Application